4 Essential Free Apps For Musicians

In This Free Mini Course Your Going To Learn Step-By-Step How To Build Your Fan Base Quickly & Easily Online

Your an independent producer, singer, aspiring artist or musician with high quality music. The small amount of fans you do have love you and keep asking when you'll be playing in a city near them.

Your so excited to get on the road but, you have one very big problem...

You constantly struggle because you know you don't have a large enough fans base yet to go on tour, hire a booking agent, or sign a deal with a record label.

You think, " If only there was a way for me to build my own fan base, for free, and get in front of new people daily!"

You know reaching hundreds of thousands of people with your music is what you were born to do yet, with so many other artists out there, you get discouraged by the lack of growth on your social media platforms. You post daily but think you should give up trying because it's been such a waste of time with little to no results. You see Grammy winning musicians with Millions of fans on social media and know it's possible, yet, nothing seems to be changing for you.

You think, "it's so overwhelming, confusing, and incredibly challenging to stand out and get noticed online these days."

However, we have entered the digital age of the New Music Industry where the rules have changed. You have free apps right at your finger tips to leverage the power of the internet and finally build the fan base of your dreams for long term success. Right now, you have the most incredible opportunity independent musicians have ever had in the history of the music industry!

Rising above the crowd is not only possible, it's very achievable, even for complete beginners.

The key is to understand what works TODAY so you can use it to your advantage on a consistent, daily basis.

In this free mini course, I show you a few simple, yet strategic step-by-step strategies to quickly build a fan base using the power of 4 free apps. I walk you through EXACTLY how i've used them to build EDM World Magazine and give you examples of how you can use them as well.

This free mini course is for complete beginners as well as any musician who has had some experience but wants to dig in deeper and get to the next level!

Sign up now for instant access to the mini course because why not? It's 100% FREE!

Your Instructor

Denice Dal Braccio
Denice Dal Braccio

Denice is passionate about helping musicians. She launched EDM World Magazine, a digital magazine app in 2013 to promote electronic dance music artists and the EDM Culture. Now, she has set out to help all musicians with what she has learned on how to navigate the New Music Industry using the power of technology, social media, and online marketing. If she can do it, so can you!

Course Curriculum

  The Power Of Live Streaming
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Power of Taking Action
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Power of Planning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Power of Automation
Available in days
days after you enroll

"This course taught me the importance of automating daily routines, in order to save time and create better self-discipline in various activities of my music career. I've also learned how to better monitor my fan growth and it has transformed my relationship to social media." - Princeloo (DJ, Producer & Songwriter in Electronic Dance Music, Deep House, Old School, and Hip-Hop)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the mini course start and finish?
The mini course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the mini course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling for FREE, you have UNLIMITED ACCESS to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unfamiliar with the Apps used?
Have no fear, Denice is here! She walks you step-by-step through each app and show you exactly how to best use them.

"This course got me thinking of new ways I could capture my current audience and keep them involved. I would highly recommend this to you if your looking to expand your following significantly and discover new tools to make it happen. I work full time for a marketing firm and surprisingly found I still learned a lot I didn't already know. I've already grown my fan base by 5% within 1 weeks time after implementing what I learned. I'm already looking out for future courses from Denice as she knows her stuff!" - Outlaw (Dubstep Music Producer)

Get started now!